Dr. Alyssa’s Inspired Health Program

Email #10: Epigenetics 101

Dictionary.com, defines epigenetics as follows:  “Genetics. the study of the process by which genetic information is translated into the substance and behavior of an organism: specifically, the study of the way in which the expression of heritable traits is modified by environmental influences or other mechanisms without a change to the DNA sequence.”

It was once believed that both your gene sequence and gene expression were set in stone from the time you were conceived. While it remains true that when the sperm and egg combine, your genetic make-up is established and it is that gene sequence which remains unchangeable. What can be altered and influenced by outside forces is the expression of those genes (aka epigentics).

This concept opens up such an extraordinary opportunity for us. No longer do we have to look at our parents’ ailments and say we’re “destined” to end up the same way. All outside influences, from food and water, drugs and vitamins, and even thoughts, can influence the way genes are expressed.

This idea was really driven home for me in The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton. In this book he explains studies he performed in which he watched human cells move and change in response to the positive and negative forces applied to them. In our lives, that means with healthy food and positive thoughts we can literally change the way our cells operate. 

The other uplifting part is that it is never too late. Changes you make today can still positively affect your genome AND that of future generations. If you want to read more on this subject I recommend both the above named book and the following article: https://www.whatisepigenetics.com/fundamentals/.

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