Dr. Alyssa’s Inspired Health Program

Email #5: Tapping Revealed

Amongst other things, The Tapping Method is a simple yet effective way to increase calm and relieve anxiety, which we all need right now. It has actually been shown to help with a variety of conditions, from addiction to weight loss. Tapping is part of a broader program called the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). There have even been scientific studies showing decreases in cortisol (aka the primary stress hormone) levels with Tapping. 

Most commonly, Tapping is combined with the reciting of a meditative phrase, or a positive affirmation, as verbalizing can help release negative emotions and replace them with positive ones. That being said, I have also experienced success with this technique simply through the act of tapping the points. This is also a wonderful technique for children, and I have successfully used it with my own children over the years. 

The act of Tapping is quite simple. Each of the nine points listed below are tapped firmly 5-7 times before moving on the next point. These tapping points correspond to powerful points in the body and run along pathways called meridians, as viewed by Eastern medicine. 

Tapping Points

  1. Outer edge of one hand
  2. Inner edge of one eyebrow
  3. Side of one eye by the temple
  4. Cheek bone below one eye
  5. Under the nose
  6. On the chin
  7. Just below one collar bone
  8. Under an armpit on the flank
  9. Top of the head

If you want to learn more, please visit The Tapping Solution. They have a wonderful app with guidelines and meditations addressing certain conditions and stress-triggers, and a growing section of Tapping solutions for Coronavirus stress and anxiety.